• By bombarding the IRS with letters and their elected officials with emails, they will call attention to the arrogant practices of the HSUS. They MUST fight back NOW or the battles may be over. It's time to stand up in unison and say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!" They refuse to let those who are guided by misinformation and the lust for power take over the agriculture, wildlife management and ownership and enjoyment of animals.

    Why Is The Humane Society Of The U.S. Permitted To Operate “Above The Law” and Not Comply With Federal Laws? Why Is The Humane Society Of The U.S. Permitted To Operate “Above The Law” and Not Comply With Federal Laws?

    Frank Losey writes that on August 4, 2011, a Documented Complaint was formally submitted to, and is now being considered by, the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia alleging that the Humane Society of the U.S.; the Humane Society Legislative Fund; Mr. Wayne Pacelle; Mr. Michael Markarian; Ms. Nancy Perry; and Ms. Sarah Amundson have failed to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 for up to five or more years.

    The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 requires that any entity or employee who has had as few as only one contact with a Member of Congress or any of their staff for the purpose of lobbying in support of any Federal Legislation; or has contacted a Senior Official in the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, such as the White House or the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for the purpose of influencing Government Policies is required to submit a Lobbying Registration Document, as well as to file Quarterly and Semi-Annual Lobbying Reports, to the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and to the Secretary of the U.S. Senate.

    Senior Executive Employees of the HSUS and its affiliated Lobbying Organizations have cumulatively and literally had thousands of direct contacts with Members of Congress, Congressional Staffers and with Senior Officials in the Executive Branch of the Government over the last five-plus years. However, none have ever registered as a Lobbyist, or as a Lobbying Organization, or as a Lobbying Client, as they are required to do by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.

    Yet Pacelle’s BIO highlights the fact that he served as the “chief lobbyist and spokesperson” for the HSUS for nearly 10 years before he became the President and CEO of the HSUS. And most recently, when he appeared on the Greta Van Susteren FOX TV Program that aired on July 20, 2011, and he was asked why he and Michael Vick were together on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, his explicit quote was “We are here to lobby!” Full article is posted at The Cavalry Group blogspot along with instructions for a sample letter to the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.


    NOW SEVEN MEMBERS OF CONGRESS! As a result of constituents in Indiana writing to Congressman Visclosky, he has joined the ranks of Six of his Colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives who have requested the Inspector General of the Treasury and IRS to investigate the HSUS’s “apparent improper activities and its tax-exempt status.”

    If they are able to persuade at least one Member of Congress from most of the other 47 States to do what seven of their Colleagues have already done, they will be on the road to Declaring the Independence from the HSUS! It is so easy to send an E-Mail to your Member of Congress. HSUS orchestrates Hundreds of Millions of such E-Mails each year. Surely, they could generate a few thousand. And that may be enough to persuade a few more Members to Call for Action by the Inspector General of the Treasury.


    THE SPEED OF THE IRS INVESTIGATION OF THE HSUS MAY BEGIN TO MOVE MORE QUICKLY! A “Congressional Cavalry” of Six Members of Congress has now formally asked the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury (IG) to “re-evaluate the tax-exempt status of the HSUS under the applicable legal standard” and to “investigate IRS’s potential failure to conduct a proper investigation.” These requests were included in the signed Joint Letter that was dated April 18, 2011.

    The Six Members of Congress who signed the Joint Letter included Congresswomen Vicky Hartzler and Jo Ann Emerson from Missouri, Congressmen Blaine Luetkemeyer, Sam Graves and Billy Long from Missouri, and Congressman Don Young from Alaska. Significantly, Congressman Young issued a Press Release dated March 30, 2011 in which he refused to accept an Award from the HSUS, and went on to say: “HSUS are hypocrites, plain and simple, and I will not join them by accepting this award.

    In addition to attaching to the Joint Letter illustrative examples of documentation that showed the magnitude of the excessive lobbying by the HSUS, the Joint Letter also contained the two following, riveting quotes: “They believe that HSUS’s own public documents show beyond question that lobbying is a ‘substantial part’ of its activities, and feel that IRS’s failure to act is attributable to the politically sensitive nature of HSUS’s activities. Due to this, they write to request investigations by the Inspector General into HSUS’s apparent improper activities and its tax exempt status.” . . . “If the HSUS is not complying with the law, it should be investigated and disciplined just like any other organization, as taxpayers would be effectively subsidizing a political organization.” Not only is this letter “HUGE,” but it could “breed” supplemental letters being sent to the Treasury’s IG from other Members of Congress. The pressure on the IRS to investigate the HSUS has never been greater!!

    When the Treasury’s IG is briefed by his Senior Staff about the April 18th Congressional Joint Letter - - SUCH BRIEFINGS OCCUR WHEN A JOINT CONGRESSIONAL LETTER IS RECEIVED - - and learns that several thousand concerned citizens have also contacted the OIG Hotline Office by email or Phone, the room temperature will rise in the Treasury’s IG Office!! And this BRIEFING is an additional reason for another wave of emails and Phone Calls to the OIG HOTLINE OFFICE to occur within the NEXT 30 DAYS. Even if you have already sent an email or Called, do it again. And encourage those who have not done so to email or Call. NUMBERS DO MATTER, especially when such a high level Senior Official in the Treasury Department begins asking hard questions and is briefed on the fact that the HSUS may have under-reported its revenue by over $500 Million; that over 6,000 tax-payers from all 50 States asked the IRS to investigate the HSUS; that a new wave of emails and Calls is being received by the OIG HOTLINE OFFICE; that the HSUS claims credit for the passage of over 550 Federal and State Statutes; and that the IRS assigned a Tax Fraud Case File Number (29-92012) to the HSUS in November 2008 - - 29 months ago!